I am not impressed by the US Fish and Wild Lie Service. First Chris Clower, Bill Zinni of USFWS and Jim Rawson (WVDNR) came in and sold the Tucker County Commission a big lie called the Canaan Valley Station Management Plan which kept all the major trails in Canaan Valley open to the public. Without this Station Management lie the Refuge wouldn't have had a chance of being established. Then, after the purchase of the 15,000 acre "Main Tract", Refuge Manager Kevin DesRoberts declared the Canaan Valley Station Management Plan an "illegal document" and threw it in the trash, a classic "bait and switch". Next, after the power company was allowed to log it and be paid "fair market value", over 100 miles of trail, logging roads and rail grades were closed by Refuge management. Then years later the aptly named CCP ignored the majority of the public comments and the massive trail closures were made official. Now the "fringe" anti-human environmentalists at USFWS are bragging about opening trails that they closed and are actually already there , or they create difficult go arounds to access places they closed off. What about the illegal private trailhead operated by USFWS in a gated community and the illegal transfer of Forest Service Road 80 from the USDA to the Dept. of the Interior without required public comment? Refuge officials get to lie to our County Commission and break their own regulations while handing out tickets to folks riding bicycles or walking dogs off leash. As for Mr. Frank's "fringe" management theory and putting a "new" trail on an existing logging road, he is no different or better than the liars that came before him. Please go back to Hadley, Massachusetts where you are taking your marching orders from. Of course the revolving door Federal employees (who are clueless about the sordid history of the CVNWR) know better about local land management than the locals. Just more government hacks "saving" the wildlife from the public, unless you are there to kill wildlife. What a crock! Typical government creating problems and then trying to act like heroes with lame solutions...

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Humans are essentially creatures in the wild, so why are we restricting from certain lands owned by the government? Also, since we are technically owners of public land, why can’t we enjoy the land we own? Government overreach answers both questions!

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